Topic: Becoming A Pastry Chef
EQ: What is the most important skill of a successful pastry chef?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What I've Learned So Far

1. My topic is something you can learn and perfect on your own at home. It's usually self-explanatory because you're always following the directions on a recipe or from your instructor. Most of my research said that presentation par to taste is what catches the eyes of you customers that makes them want to buy your products. Being more creative and having your creations to standout from others' is what helps me the most in my ROP class.

2. This is a picture of the pastries we've done in class. The mango cream puff (top left) and the strawberry napoleon (bottom right) are the ones I plated myself. This was a bit challenging for me especially the cream puff. All of my classmates used chocolate in their plating. Then I remembered what Sebastien from the King of Pastry, a documentary, said "When the judges will have too much chocolate, you'd want to go with fruits because it's refreshing." I thought mine looked really plain because I didn't use chocolate at all. But my creativity still got me to the top 5 winners for presentation. The blueberry danish pastry (bottom left) and white chocolate chip cookie with pecans (top right) were made with my first team. It was absolutely fun and we got an A and our cookie won the bake-off.

3. I've learned the most out of is from the documentary, King of Pastry, it showed the challenges a pastry chef goes through, and their gorgeous dishes. It showed me how they interpret their inspirations into their dishes. Like what I said from before being different from the others and having your creativity stand out is what I applied on the mango cream puff. Not using chocolate on my dish got me into the top 5.

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