Topic: Becoming A Pastry Chef
EQ: What is the most important skill of a successful pastry chef?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Senior Project Reflection

1) Positive Statement
I'm proud of my activities even though it didn't go like it was supposed to on the lesson plan. In senior projects, I'm proud of service learning because I had the most fun in that project.

2) Questions to Consider
a) I don't think I deserve a P because I had to pause a lot and think of what I was going to say. I knew the info I had to say but it was hard for me to voice it out.
b) To me, I felt like I did what I could for a P.

3) What worked for you?
I liked how we can pick our own topic. Service learning was a good experience for me and I feel like because I actually sought for that ROP, I opened a good opportunity for service learning relating to culinary arts for future seniors.

4) What didn't work for you?
Senior Project as a whole is very overwhelming. It was such a big strain because the way the projects were scheduled was all clumped up. For example, the week of my exit interview, we have a physics test, a math final and an I-search paper due. On top of that had to finish our 3-column chart and research binder. Help of all kind and from different teachers were great but you're already graded thus it's almost impossible to fix your mistakes.

5) Finding Value
I found an alternative for an expensive culinary school- my ROP. I also feel like I opened an opportunity for future seniors that wants to go into culinary but can't find service learning and independent component hours.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Service Learning

Culinary Arts Institute (CAI)
201 W. Orangethorpe Ave., Fullerton CA 92832 

The most important thing I gained in my service learning is learning to make different kinds of desserts. I also improved my plating skills a lot. Also, getting my toes in the water for culinary school. This is important because now I’m a little ahead if I ever go to culinary school in the future. This school also gave me the opportunity to further improve my skills there.

My service learning in CAI helped me answer my EQ by having me experience first hand how important each of my answers are. Communication and common practice were a little challenging when you are working with people that are knew to you or are older. Food presentation was the easiest because you wee basically independent on that.