Topic: Becoming A Pastry Chef
EQ: What is the most important skill of a successful pastry chef?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Self Reflection

(1) How do you think you are doing so far in your senior project and why?  AE, P, AP, CR, or NC
I think a P is a reasonable grade for the things I've done so far. I've not been as good on my research checks but my interviews, blogs, service learning and independent component, I've been on track on.

(2) What one thing do you think you have done well on and why?

My best component I'm working on is my service learning and the independent component. I've attended all my classes without being late. I also take pictures of what I do in class. I'm going to put a slideshow widget on the side and do a summary blog of what i did for the semester.

(3) What is one thing you would like to improve on and why? 

I really need to research more and take better notes on it. That's the only thing I need to work on and it's really not that hard. I need to be more consistent with it.